
Issue Title
Vol 6, No 2 (2022): page 177- 308 The Effect Of Perceived Organizational Support On Organizational Citizenship Behavior With Work Engagement As A Mediation Variable Abstract  PDF - full text
Sari Sakarina, T. M Haekal, Ratih Pratiwi, Pandu Adi Cakranegara, Rusliandy Rusliandy, Jati Kasuma
Vol 6, No 2 (2022): page 177- 308 Digital Transformational Leadership A Village Head On Organizational Citizenship Behavior Through Work Climate And Job Satisfaction Village Officials In Lombok Island Abstract  PDF - full text
Muhammad Ahyat, Sahar Sahar, Okky Afriwan, Eluiz Yansirus Saniah, Agus Marjan Saputra
Vol 6, No 1 (2022): page 01 - 176 The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance Through Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Abstract  PDF - full text
Samsul Hidayat, Ida Bagus Wirawan, Subagyo Adam, Dimas Agung Trisliatanto, Muhammad Ridhuan Tony Lim Abdullah
Vol 6, No 2 (2022): page 177- 308 Evaluating Distributive Fairness of Remuneration System: The Role of Equity Sensitivity in Explaining Employee Well-being and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Abstract  PDF - full text
Elsa Sari Yuliana, Sari Zawitri, Widodo PS, Theresia Siwi Kartikawati
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