Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja industri alas kaki Indonesia dalam meraih keunggulan kompetitif di pasar domestik dan global. Data primer dan sekunder diperoleh melalui wawancara dan studi literatur. Responden merupakan perwakilan dari pemerintah dan industri. Metode analisis dengan pendekatan Porter's Diamond Model yang memiliki berbagai keunggulan dalam mengkaji strategi bisnis dan dayasaing industri dan negara secara kualitatif. Ada enam variabel analisis yaitu kondisi faktor; kondisi permintaan; industri terkait dan pendukung; struktur, strategi dan persaingan industri, kesempatan serta pemerintah. Keenam faktor tersebut memiliki keterakaitan dan saling berinteraksi membangun dayasaing kompetitif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa industri alas kaki Indonesia memiliki dayasaing kompetitif di pasar domestik dan internasional. Indonesia memiliki daya tarik pasar global karena produknya berkualitas, upah relatif rendah, serta iklim investasi yang mendukung. Namun, dari sisi bahan baku, Indonesia tidak memiliki dayasaing sehingga ketergantung produsen alas kaki terhadap impor sangat tinggi. Ukuran pasar domestik dan global menjadi peluang, namun perlu meningkatkan efisiensi produksi agar dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan dayasaing. Pemerintah perlu mengioptimalkan regulasi impor alas kaki, relaksasi impor bahan bahan baku dan tingkat upah tenaga kerja untuk menjaga keberlangusngan industri di tengah turbulensi ekonomi global.
Kata kunci: alas kaki, dayasaing, efisiensi, Porter's Diamond Model.
This study aims to analyze the performance of the Indonesian footwear industry to gain of competitive advantage in the domestic and global markets”primary and secondary data collected through interviews and literature studies. Respondents are representatives of government and industry. The analytical method uses Porter's Diamond Model approach, which has various advantages in qualitatively assessing business strategy and industrial and national competitiveness. There are six variables: factor conditions; demand conditions; related and supporting industries; industry structure, strategy and rivalry, chance, and government. They relate and interact with each other to build competitiveness. The results show that the Indonesian footwear industry has a competitive advantage in domestic and international markets. Indonesia has a market attractiveness because of its quality products, relatively low wages, and supportive investment climate. However, regarding raw materials, Indonesia is not competitive, so the footwear manufacturers' dependence on imports is very high. The domestic and worldwide market size are opportunities, but it is necessary to increase production efficiency to maintain and enhance their competitiveness. The government needs to optimize footwear import regulations and relax raw materials and labor wages to maintain the sustainability industry during the turbulence of the global economy.
Keywords: footwear, competitiveness, efficiency, Porter's Diamond Model
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